Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Service Opportunities

Help with Homecoming Mums for Reagan High

: Mum decorating with Reagan High students
: Anyone interested in helping Reagan students make mums (many of them for the first time!) for their homecoming game this Friday

When: Wednesday, October 22 & Thursday, October 23 at 4pm
Where: Outside the Reagan cafeteria

*Please contact Sharon Finney: Sharon.finney@gmail.com or Erin Reichman: erin.beth.reich@gmail.com if you can help with this! They're looking for a lot of table volunteers to help the students as much as possible. Many Reagan students have never done this before so please come out and show your support.

Webb Middle School Literacy Night "Thanksgiving Dinner"
A dinner for Webb Middle School students and parents
Where: Webb Middle School
When: Tuesday, October 28th
Needs: financial contributions to help with food, as well as the following volunteers:

  • 3:00pm Cooks = about 6
  • 4:00pm Set-up= about 4
  • 5:30pm Servers= about 10
  • 5:30pm "Interacters"= unlimited
  • 7:00pm Clean up= All of the above.

Grab your small group and help out with one of the above areas! Please contact Elizabeth Erwin: escraps4u@austin.rr.com to sign-up or for more info.

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